OK so I log on for the first time in a while and see a bunch of messages from people asking to "Scout me"?? I was scouted already, I have to pieces of art that were featured on the front page but can you lose your scouted status? I didn't post anything for the last month and a half so maybe that was why? If anyone have any insight into this I am really curious to find out what happened? I will definitely try and post more in the future. I was really busy the past few months but now that things have calmed down I will try and do more art for you guys! I am even working on a Flash Game right now with a good friend of mine. So be on the look out for that and I will be sure to post some more news on it soon.
Cheers and thanks for the support everyone!
PS you can follow me on TWITTER @laufman
I´m guessing your scouter lost his scout (or his scouter and so on), which would make his entire branch of scouts lose their scout. I´m pretty sure that being inactive in your posting has no effect on your scout.